Posts Tagged ‘Constitutionalist’

Why a New Corps of Discovery

March 22, 2010

Tonight the current Congress has proved that government can NO LONGER BE TRUSTED with ANY restrictions on firearms and can NO LONGER BE TRUSTED as the monopoly educator of our children. This is the discovery I made tonight with the passage of the POTENTIALLY GENOCIDAL Obamanation “Health Care” bill. Tonight our Congress took us on the path followed by the Nazis in 1930s Germany and the Communists of the Soviet Union of the same period that led to the HOLOCAUST (mass murder of Jews and “Useless Eaters”) in Nazi germany and the HOLODOMAR (Mass starvation murder of the Ukranians) in the Soviet union. This happened when Congress passed the “Health Care” bill that:

1.  Will bring about MEDICAL RATIONING and DEATH PANELS exactly like the ones that condemned people to death in NAZI GERMANY at the very beginning of the HOLOCAUST (even before the Jews became targets even so called “aryan” Germans were targets of the early phase of the Holocaust known as T-5 Euthanasia carried out by MEDICAL RATIONING and EUTHANASIA panels when the were “deemed” (there is that word again) “Useles Eaters” or “Life Unworthy of Life”).

2.  Further increases the DEFICIT and makes us even further FINANCIALLY BEHOLDEN to CHINA, a nation that is STILL A MURDERING COMMUNIST ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES.

3.  Further worsens the DEPRESSION our nation is currently going through by placing UNSUSTAINABLY high taxes and penalties on small business THE job creation engine in the United States.

However this so called “Health Care” bill did not come from nowhere. Like the Fox News commentator Glenn Beck has said this “Health Care” bill is just the newest product of ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF TREASON AND MURDER ON A GLOBAL SCALE brought about by a movement called “Progressivism”.

This single movement “Progressivism” includes all of the other totalitarian Godless, Atheistic “isms” that have infected the 20th and 21st centuries, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, Fabianism, Objectivism, Environmentalism and all the rest. “Progressivism” is indeed the SUPREME traitor and killer of this planet’s history.

Therefore it is my humble opinion that we must end the threat of “Progressivism” once and for all and that is the reason I’m setting up the Corps of Discovery.

Basically “Progressivism” mantains its power over us in three ways. The first is through the Federal Reserve Bank which the “Progressives” pretty much ran considerably less honest than a FARO BANK in a cowboy saloon in 1881 since its creation. This dishonest opperation of the Fed is the SOUL CAUSE of INFLATION, RESESSIONS and DEPRESSIONS in our economy which other “Progressives” in turn use to enact more big government totalitarian legislation through the “Crisis Management” or “Problem Reaction Solution” model of scare mongering.  (For those not familiar with this term Faro Bank, Faro was a layout casino type game like Roulette or Casino Craps that was played with cards largely from the period of 1840 to 1910 (when the “progressives” outlawed gambling in all states) in the United States. It was the most popular such game in the saloons of the “wild west” despite its being a well known “cheater’s paradise”. It was also known as “Bucking the Tiger” largely because of the cheating, dishonest, catty ways of most Faro Banks (Faro dealers).  However dealing with the FARO Reserve system is a problem for another time the other ways the “Progressives” mantain control over us are far more pressing.

The second way “Progressives” mantain power over us is through restrictions on firearms ownership otherwise known as “civil disarmament” or “gun control”. A Jewish organization named Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has clearly shown a link between firrearms restrictionss and EVERY GENOCIDE AND OTHER STATE COMMITED MASS MURDER COMITTED in 20th century history. It is also probably only firearms ownership restrictions which have allowed Congress to exibit the PROGRESSIVE ARROGANCE to pass this “Health Care” bill despite OVERWHELMING POPULAR OPPOSITION to it thereby leading  our nation down THE SAME PATH OF ULTIMATE GENOCIDE traveled by the NAZIS with their T-5 MEDICAL RATIONING PANELS.

The “progressives” tell us that they impose firearms ownership restrictions to keep felons, mental defectives, dope heads and domestic abusers from getting their hands on guns easily. This is in fact another “Progressive” sick JOKE for two reasons. First is that no law is going to prevent these kinds of people from getting guns if they want them and the second is like unto the first. Under firearms restrictions the “Progressives” and their armed agents, the WORST collection of felons, mental defectives, dope heads and domestic abusers in ALL WORLD HISTORY tend to be the ones that wind up with ALL THE GUNS under firearms ownewrship restriction schemes.

Therefore What I’m proposing in addition to jury nullification of ALL firearms restriction laws is that we patriots weather in the Corps of Discovery or not is that we play this “gun control” scheme in the opposite direction. For this I’m seriously calling on all of us to do what I never thought I would ever advise. This is to buy stock, stock in FIREARMS MANUFACTURING AND FIREARMS IMPORTING COMPANIES. To do the scheme I have come up with we patriots have to have a controlling interest in at least the following companies, Smith & Wesson, Colt Industries, Remington Firearms, Sturm Ruger, Barret Industries, Interarms Importers Bushmaster arms and perhapse others. The scheme is this, Once we patriots gain a controlling interest in one of these companies we will make it company policy TO SUSPEND ALL FIREARMS SALES OR REPAIR SERVICES TO ANY ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT OR AGENCY INVOLVED IN IMPOSING FIREARMS OWNERSHIP RESTRICTIONS AGAINST THE SECOND AMENDMENT OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AS INTERPRETED BY THAT CONSTITUTION’S FRAMERS. The “Progressives” and their “legally” armed minions may bitch about this but we’ll just tell them that this is in the EXACT SPIRIT of their own Gun Control act of 1968 in that we are refusing further gun sales to the WORST COLLECTION OF FELONS, MENTAL DEFECTIVES, DOPE HEADS AND DOMESTIC ABUSERS IN ALL WORLD HISTORY, THEMSELVES!!!

The third but probably most important target of  “Progressivism” is our children. This is mostly throgh the public “educational” system but even private organizations like Boy and Girl Scouting are involved to varying extents in “Progressivizing” and “One Worldizing” our children with propaganda nonsense about “global warming”, “World Citizenship”, labor unions like the OUTRIGHT COMMUNIST SEIU UNION as the soul means of labor bargaining with the management of companies and such other totalitarian “Progressive” nonsense.

Of these the modern Elementray School, Middle School, High School and University are the WORST offenders. These institutions were supposidly founded on idea that they were going to teach children, teens and young adults how to read, write, spell, do mathmatics, know their nation’s and world history, know at least enough geography to find their own nation or state on a map, know how the republican form of government works and their rights under such a government and know basic to advanced science depending on the level of schooling they are attrending. However this is NOT what is happening in most public schools today or even in private schools run by “Progressive” admonistrators. While there still lip service courses in genuine academic subjects much of the modern school day is taken up by such arcaine and even pedophilic subjects as “death education”, “aids education”, “divirsity education”, “anger management education”, “sex education”, “values clarification edication” (actually totalitarian genocidal depopulation education in disguise) and the like. Even genuinely academic subjects are laced with “Progressive” and depopulationist propaganda such as “global warming” and “carbon footprint” games in science classes. (A “Carbon Footprint” game is a game where one tries to figure out HOW LONG HE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO LIVE based on “global warming carbon footprint” propaganda in a perfect “Progressive” environmentally sustainable society.  Once again this sort of “Progressive” school gaming makes those Faro banks from 1881 we talked about before look like the Apostle Paul in comparison.) History classes also tend to downgrade the Founders and their Constitution designed spacifically to CHAIN the power of big “Progressive” government to create Obamanations like the “Health Care” bill and the American 19th and early pre “Progressive” 20th centuries, the greatest age of INDIVIDUAL technological invention and discovery the world has ever seen due largely to a growing public domain in “intellectual property” created by strictly time limited copyrights and patents, sound precious metallicly backed currency and the Free Enterprise system of distributing wealth. Instead modern school based history tends to teach that these times (1798 to 1913) were a racist, ignorant, stumbling  “dark age” that existed before the “enlightened Progressives” came to power and brought the “stupid” free American public out of their “ignorance” with big government in the period from 1913 on. (Actually much of the worst anti Black racism including the Second Ku Klux Klan which was also Anti-Semitic was in the period from 1913 to 1970 the time period most near and dear to “Progressives” as the grand advance of big government. In fact the Second Ku Klux Klan began in 1915 only TWO YEARS AFTER the FARO RESERVE SYSTEM (Federal Reserve Banks) and the “Progressive” INCOME THEFT (TAX) came into being). 

Once more we see that we can no longer trust “Progressive” big government to “educate” our children. This is something that we must do at least partially for OURSELVES NOW. If you live in a state that allow it TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF SCHOOL and HOME EDUCATE THEM and this goes for “PROGRESSIVELY” RUN PRIVATE SCHOOLS THAT DO NOT TEACH THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND THE 18TH, 19TH AND THE PRE “PROGRESSIVE” 20TH CENTURIES AS WELL. However if you still live in a strict “Compulsory Attendence” State DO NOT RISK JAIL AND THE LOSS OF YOUR CHILDREN to “Child Protective Services” type agencies by doing this!!!! There are still ways you can get your children a Godly and Constitutionalist history, and civics education without risking JAIL and the LOSS OF YOUR CHILDREN. These are called WEEKENDS and SUMMER VACATION. Part of these times can be dedicated to de programming education in CONSTUTIONAL civics and true historical teaching regarding the 18th, 19th and pre “Progressive” 20th centuries with no interfearance from “Child Protective Services” or “Truant Officers”. Another period thart can be used for CONSTITUTIONALIST education in “Compulsory Attendance” states is homework time during regular school days. You can basically tell your kids that while they have to learn what is in the School “History” book to get a passing grade it is all basically LIES AND GARBAGE designed to enslave them and what you are teaching them along with it is the truth that will set them free.

Now we go from School to probably the leading Private Youth Educational Organizations in our nation Boy and Girl Scouting. Of these Girl Scouting is now perhaps the worst for “Progressive” indoctrination. This is largely because “Progressive feminists” and and One World Environut “Progressive” “New Agers” have taken over this organization. Of the two Scouting organizations Girl Scouts is the ONLY one currently admitting the sexual perversion of  homosexuality and the spiritual perversion of Atheism into its ranks. Many Girl Scout Merit or Proficiency Badges deal with Feminist, “New Age” and environmental subjects that are pure “Progressive” and depopulationist propaganda.

While the Boy Scouts are well known and even “controversial” for taking a harder line on sexual and spiritual perversion by ejecting homosexuals and Atheists and practicing a strict Youth Protection policy against adult leader pedophelia they are unfortunately considerably less “Youth Protective” when it comes to indoctrinating youth in other areas of Felonious, Murderous, Genocidal aspects of “Progressivism”. Of particular interest with the Boy Scouts where this article is concerned are the Merit Badges in the areas of World Citizenship, Environmental “Science” and American Labor. Basically all three of these are “Progressive” Totalitarian propaganda from start.  Take the one on “World Citizenship” as a forinstance. “World Citizenship” is simply a happy smiley face term for that ultimate goal of ALL “Progressives” no matter what they name themselves, ONE WORLD TOTALITARIAN DEPOPULATIONIST GENOCIDAL GOVERNMENT!!! Isn’t this a rather strange thing for a supposed American Patriotic youth organization to be teaching our youth. This Badge heavily Promotes UNITED NATIONS AGERNCIES like the so called “World Court”. It also takes a vague little shot at the SECOND AMENDMENT in its seventh requirement by mentioning simply a “human right” realized in the United States but not other nations (The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a GOD GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT like all rights mentioned in the Constitution, NOT a collective STATE GIVEN “human” right. This little dig makes up Requirement 7-b for the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge). The Badge also promotes International Cooperation based on the “Progressive” idea of “Free Trade” which was and still is one of the main depression makers and job killers affecting this nation along with Obamanations like the “Health Care” bill and the Faro Reserve System. This abominable piece of “Progressive” propaganda is REQUIRED for the Eagle Scout Rating.

The Environmental Science Merit Badge is another one with subtle “Progressive” propaganda amongst its requirements. Environmentalism is in fact another of these Atheistic sub “isms” of “Progressivism” that aims to enslave and even eventually kill us. In all probability the next excuse for a “Progressive” HOLOCAUST and mass GENOCIDE/DEPOPULATION FEST is this “global warming” theory we are hearing so much about. I base this prediction largely on the sudden presence of  “Carbon Footprint” games in public schooling. That Requirement 3-a-2 for the Environmental Science merit badge is pure “global warming” propaganda suggests the “Progressive” Carbon Footprint Faro Bank for your life game mentality behind this entire Merit Badge. Once again this “Progressive” monstrosity is REQUIRED for the Eagle Scout rating.

Probably the WORST example of  “Progressivism” I have seen in the current Boy Scout Merit Badge Requirements was requirement 6 for the American Labor Merit Badge, This puppy reads like it comes straight from ANDY (Workers of the World Unite) STERN the MARXIST/COMMUNIST/GLOBALIST leader of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) that developed a strong reputation for being “Purple Shirt”  Thugs during one of the early Tea Party Protests against this bill. This man is alsp one of the designers of the “HEALTH CARE” BILL and has had the ear of President Barack Obama mor than ANY OTHER PERSON with the possible exception of Rahm Rahmbo (Dead Fish) Emanuel. It seems that even though the Boy Scouts will not take Atheists as adult leaders or youth members thet WILL take their input for the merit badge program!!! Andy Stern and probably a lot of the “American” Labor leaders that gave input for this badge’s requirements are MARXISTS, COMMUNISTS or some other brand name of  “PROGRESSIVE” and virtually all the time that adds up to ATHEIST.

Does this mean you should take your kids out of Scouting, NO, not at least until another organization that teaches the same outdoor and survival skills and moral values comes along. (More on this possibility later.) My suggestion is that we do with Scouting pretty much what I suggested for the Firearms industry when talking about “gun control” A GENUINE PATRIOT TAKEOVER of the organization. This year is Boy Scouting’s Centenial Year, The perfect year for this organization to be brought to genuinely patriotic American values and for this sneaky One Worldism and “Progressivism” in the Merit Badge program  to be SKOTCHED once and for all. For this reason I’m calling on all patriots with good character references and a police record that will stand up to rather strong scrutiny to apply for adult leader membership in the Boy Scouts of America. We should particularly aim for the Commissioner, National and Merit Badge Councelor positions. While there can be only one Scoutmaster per troop there can be several people holding these positions and they actually make up the bulk of the Adult Beurocracy in the organization which is where a takeover and a change from One World and “Progressive” to genuinely Constitutionalist and patriotic requirements can be made in both the Merit Badge and Rank advancement programs.

I’m also calling on Patriotic woman to become Adult leaders in the Girl Scouts as well along the same lines as I made for men in the Boy Scouts. This if anything is even more of a challenge for the Patriot Women than the Boy Scouts is for the Patriot Men. The Girl Scouts is already so deep in the quicksand of  One Worldism, “New Ageism”, “Feminism”, Lesbianism, Atheism and “Progressivism” in general that a Constitutionalist patriotic takeover of that organization would be a Constitutionalist/Patriotic crown jewel for the Patriot ladies on the same level that the “HEALTH CARE”  BILL was for the “Progressives” that passed it in Congress when I started writing this, a genuinely HISTORIC ACCOMPLISHMENT for them and for all the girls of America.

However if either or both of the Scouting organizations prove resistant to a Constitutionalist/Patriotic takeover than what I propose to do is replace them with a UNIFORMED Corps of Discovery organization dirived from this Blog for both Youth and Adults. (The Youth Sections will replace Scouting for Constitutionalist Patriot Youth and the Adult Sections will replace Freemasonry, Moose, Elks and other Secretive “Progressive” “Lodge” organizations for Constitutionalist/Patriot adults).

Now to end this I will explain why I chose the name Corps of Discovery for this blog and for the proposed new Scouting and “Lodge” replacement organization.

It is because Corps of Discovery was the actual name given to the Lewis and Clark expeditions into the Western United States when it was purchased from France. Lewis and Clark were commissioned to carry out these expiditions by THOMAS JEFFERSON when he was President of the United States. THOMAS JEFFERSON along with JAMES MADISON were the greatest exponants of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS of the time, particularly the SECOND AMENDMENT right. Therefore what was a “Scouting” organization commissioned by him would be the perfect name for a pro CONSTITUTION “Scouting” organization now.